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What is happening with sewage from the new development?

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The scheme for Langarth is based around the development of sustainable drainage. Using the natural characteristics of the environment to slow, store and clean water will help to increase biodiversity and protect and enhance species.  It also allows rainwater from the site to be controlled and restricted in a more efficient and effective way than the current green field run off.

What are we doing?

  • New infiltration/ attenuation ponds, wetlands and swales will be located next to existing green routes and corridors to provide a natural flood prevention system
  • A new South West Water sewer will pump sewage from the development to Truro’s Newham waste water treatment works.  Based on previous discussions between the private developers and South West Water, treatment capacity has been increased to accommodate the proposed development. There are two pumping stations currently being proposed by South West Water which will be located within the Langarth development land.
  • In the event of a power failure, storage is provided upstream of each pumping station which allows for temporary power supplies or tankers to deal with flows until the pumping station is operational again. The pumping stations will incorporate odour mitigation measures.
  • The Council’s involvement means these drainage improvements and flood prevention measures can take place in a single co-ordinated way at the start of the scheme rather than having to wait for a significant number of houses to be built to access funding from developers through section 106 agreements and CILs

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