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What kind of homes will you build?

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Langarth will provide the opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to live at Langarth by providing well-designed, high-quality housing of the right mix. This includes homes which are adaptable for different stages of life.

All the houses will be built to an energy efficiency standard at least 20% higher than current Building Regulations.

What we are doing:

There will be a mix of housing sizes, types and tenures to meet local needs, including detached, semi-detached, terraced houses, apartments and bungalows.

35% will be affordable homes (for local people), distributed (pepper potted) throughout the site and phased in line with the rest of the development.  The proportion of affordable homes will be binding on all developments on the site.

These will include:

  • housing for key workers such as nurses and teachers.
  • Self build, live-work and co-living homes
  • Student accommodation.
  • Extra care housing for older people and people with disabilities.
  • Retirement homes, pathway homes, assisted living and intergenerational housing.
All homes on the site will be low carbon, using renewable energy for heat and power. All homes will have higher levels of insulation helping to reduce running costs. All homes will have electric vehicle charging points.
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