What makes a community? Is it the people, the schools, the shops, the place itself or something more?
We believe delivering a sustainable community means providing all the facilities that people need in their daily lives –just as we are planning to do at Langarth Garden Village.

Creating an integrated community
The 244-hectare site on the outskirts of Truro has a complex planning history. The combination of previously granted planning permissions and the designation of the area for housing in the Cornwall Local Plan means that significant development was always going to take place at Langarth.
in January 2019 Cornwall Council took on a proactive role in planning and delivering the new integrated community on the site. In June 2019 the Government included Langarth in its Garden Communities programme and awarded the Council £47.5 million to build the Northern Access Road. Since then we have been working with key partners and the local community to develop a masterplan for the development.
By planning and delivering this new community as a whole we can ensure that services on site, such as schools and health facilities, are shaped around future resident numbers from the start, helping to prevent additional pressure on existing local services. The size, shape and feel of these services will be informed by the number of homes and future residents.

So what is our vision for Langarth Garden Village?
We want to create a new vibrant, distinctive and sustainable community where residents of all ages can enjoy the benefits of rural life while having easy access to, and positive connections with, the city and surrounding communities. A place in the countryside; a creative place with innovative and flexible workspaces and high quality housing; a place which is resilient, adaptable and fit for future living; a place where people and businesses want to be.
Part of the Government’s garden communities programme, the new community will offer a wide range of homes to suit different budgets and needs, together with jobs for all age groups, all set in green and open spaces with parks, woodland, wildlife areas, nature trails, and river walks .

What kind of facilities and services will there be ?
New community buildings and village centres will provide appealing community spaces – all within walking distance of beautifully designed homes.
New primary schools and play, sports and leisure areas will provide a safe place for children and young people to learn and live. Low carbon homes with low running costs will deliver cheaper and more sustainable energy for residents and businesses, with community gardens, allotments and orchards available for those wanting to grow healthy food from their doorstep.
Add in sustainable transport links, with new roads and bus services, walkable Neighbourhoods and green corridors and improved walking and cycling links in and out of the site, and it is easy to see why Langarth Garden Village is a place where people will live, work and thrive.

What about jobs?
The scheme will provide additional employment opportunities, with live-work housing solutions, including access to superfast broadband, and specific support for start-ups and growth for small and medium sized enterprises.
As well as providing jobs during the construction of the scheme, we will also be working with Constructing Excellence, Building Cornwall and schools and colleges to create a stronger local labour market, stronger local businesses, and to promote local talent and skills through a variety of programmes, including apprenticeships.

How you can get involved
We are clear about the community we want to create at Langarth but we want to hear your ideas.
Tell us what you think makes a community?