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Compulsory Purchase and Side Roads Orders

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Compulsory Purchase and Side Roads Orders
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Update on the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

The Government has approved the Compulsory Purchase Order for Langarth Garden Village

The decision by the inspector appointed on behalf of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government follows a one-day public local inquiry held in January 2024. All objections were formally withdrawn before the inquiry.

Cornwall Council already owns the majority of land required for the development of Fordh Langarth (previously referred to as the Northern Access Road), the two primary schools, the park and ride extension, the energy centre, the key utilities and the housing, as well as the green and community spaces.

However, there were still some interests in land and rights it had not been able to acquire by agreement. The confirmed CPO enables the Council to secure the areas of land set out in the Order which are required for the development of Langarth Garden Village.

Copies of the confirmed Order and plans are available to view at the Council’s offices. They have also been published on Cornwall Council’s website and on the Langarth Garden Village website.

Update on the Side Roads Order (SRO)

The Secretary of State for Transport has confirmed the Side Roads Order (SRO) for the road works needed to deliver the Northern Access Road, as part of the proposed development at Langarth Garden Village.

The Order gives Cornwall Council the authority to improve or stop up existing roads, create new roads, stop up private means of access and provide new means of access to premises, as set out in the Order and accompanying Map.

The decision follows the public inquiry held in January 2024.

After considering the Inspector’s report, the Secretary of State has confirmed that she is satisfied that there are no compelling reasons which would justify not confirming the SRO.

In accordance with the statutory process, a notice of the confirmation of the Order will be published in the London Gazette and in the West Briton.

Copies of the confirmed Order, the Inspector’s Report, the Secretary of State’s Decision Letter and the statutory notice of confirmation of the Order are  available to view at the Council’s offices and have also been published on Cornwall Council’s website and on the Langarth Garden Village website .

You can find out more about the inquiry here .


A Pre Inquiry Meeting was held on 19 October 2023.  You can read a summary report of the meeting here

In advance of the public inquiry, the Council was required to prepare a Statement of Case setting out its purpose for making both orders together with its response to any objections received.

A copy of the Statement of Case is provided below, along with copies of those key documents referred to in the Statement.

Compulsory Purchase Order decision documents :

Langarth Garden Village Compulsory Purchase Order

Langarth Garden Village CPO Decision lette

Statutory Notice of Confirmation of the CPO  

CPO Plan 1

CPO Plan 2

CPO Plan 3

Side Roads Order documents :  

Side Roads Order Notice

Inspector’s Report on Side Roads Order

Side Roads Order decision letter

Langarth Garden Village Statement of Case documents:

Previous CPO orders and documents