Garden village life
As a Garden Village, Langarth will provide high-quality housing, large amounts of green space, community facilities and a distinctive identity.
We will create a vibrant, distinctive and sustainable new community in Cornwall. This means new schools, with play and leisure facilities and community centres, set within walkable neighbourhoods. All of which will be connected by sustainable transport and generous and high-quality green spaces, with access to shops, facilities and meeting places.
We want to ensure that Langarth meets the needs of young people, both now and in the future. We are working with existing schools and learning providers to consider what extra provisions are needed at Langarth to match the demand created by the new homes.
Our plans include two new primary schools, the first provided at the start of the project, together with pre-school education and childcare. We are also looking at options for a new secondary school, potentially on the North Coast. In the short term we are working with Richard Lander School to develop plans to increase its capacity to accommodate additional pupils during the first few years of the development.

Health and wellbeing will be embedded within Langarth.
A state-of the-art health hub will provide a ‘one-stop shop’, including GPs and primary care treatment. The creation of the hub and other health facilities, including dentists, a pharmacy and diagnostic services are being planned to reduce pressure on existing local services. We are working closely with health partners regarding the model for the health centre and the range of facilities than Langarth will provide.

Sport & leisure
By improving public transport, and providing new cycling and pedestrian routes in and around the site, we will provide opportunities for walking, running, cycling, and horse riding to help people’s physical and mental wellbeing.
We are working with partners to increase opportunities for sport and leisure and also to investigate how we develop edible streets and healthy towns.
We are building a new sports and community facility at the heart of the Garden Village. Located at the edge of the Park and Ride, the Hub will provide a long term home for Truro City Football Club (TCFC), as well as facilities for use by residents of the Garden Village, Threemilestone Football Club and other sports clubs in Cornwall.

Community spaces
New community buildings, village centres, parks, play and wildlife areas will be appealing community spaces. Community gardens, allotments, orchards and farms will be available for those wanting to grow healthy food from their doorstep, as well as food stalls and food fairs helping to create a real sense of community at Langarth.
We are working with the local community to develop a stewardship model for the scheme to give residents more control over these spaces in the future.