As a Garden Village, our plans for Langarth include providing a wide range of community assets, including parks, green spaces, footpaths, street furniture, cultural facilities, community buildings and facilities.
These are essential elements of providing attractive and liveable places and it is vital to ensure that these assets are managed effectively throughout the life of the development.

Creating a new stewardship organisation
We want to create an engaged, involved and empowered organisation which can plan ahead collectively for the benefit of the wider community, providing long-term stewardship of these community-owned assets.
Its responsibilities will include managing and maintaining the green and open spaces, pavements, verges and spaces between buildings, cycle and walking routes, sustainable drainage systems, including swales and ponds, and ensuring that un-adopted parts of the highway network are used to promote healthy and active lifestyles and provide good connectivity.

The organisation will be expected to ensure that any facilities and property under its control are used to complement local communities and generate a strong sense of community, and to enhance employment opportunities in the locality.
It will also manage a range of specific services on the site, including energy services, and e bike services and car clubs.
It will be self financing and involve local residents in making decisions to ensure the vision for Langarth is deliverable and generates a strong sense of community.

What happens next
We have been working hard to develop a stewardship model which will deliver these requirements and ensure that the community assets are managed sustainably with the funding necessary to maintain them in the long term.
Having considered a number of different options, we are proposing a community stewardship model where residents are actively involved in, and have influence over, their community.
The Council’s Cabinet has endorsed our suggested approach and we will now work with our partners and the local community to develop a Strategic Outline Case and then an Outline Business Case to determine a preferred option.
This work, which will involve consideration of a number of key documents, including the localism strategy, is expected to take up to a year complete.
We will be working closely with both Kenwyn Parish Council and Truro City Council to develop the final Outline Business Case which will then go back to the Cabinet for approval.