Our proposals for Langarth will help to deliver Cornwall Council’s ambitious climate change strategy as well as providing residents and businesses with access to cheaper, greener energy.
You can find out more about our energy centre and our wider energy strategy in this short film: https://youtu.be/YAGWeO6gqvw
Langarth will have its own energy centre which will be the hub for renewable power generated on the site. Located next to the park and ride, this will include a transformer compound to house the electricity substation and a bespoke battery storage area which will provide storage for green energy produced on the site for residents and provide an income from the sale of surplus power back to the National Grid.

Delivering the energy strategy will ultimately require around 18 megawatts of green energy at Langarth, with all new homes being designed to be net-zero carbon.
Buildings will be constructed to a thermal efficiency standard up to 50% higher than current building regulations, with a combination of solar panels and heat pumps for heating and hot water.
Other proposals include :
- Exploring the potential of district heating using geothermal energy as a renewable source of heat, which would be the first of its kind in the UK.
- Providing electric car charging points in every house and fast charging hubs, using locally generated green energy
- Providing solar panels on car ports on the proposed park and ride extension
- Using modern methods of construction such as modular design for key buildings such as the new schools and community buildings to help reduce building waste.
We are also looking to link the energy infrastructure with the new hospital development, which will reduce the impact on an already congested local energy grid.