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About the Community Sports Hub
Consultation Boards - Threemilestone engagement event 3 March 2023
Stewardship information
Governs Park reserved matters planning application
What is a Reserved Matters application ?
Langarth Garden Village CPO Schedule
Right to compensation
Notices after CPO is confirmed
What happens if CPO is confirmed
What happens after the public inquiry?
How objections are dealt with
Valid and invalid objections
Objecting to a CPO
How objections are dealt with
Valid and invalid objections
Objecting to a CPO
Implementing the CPO
Notices after CPO is confirmed
What happens if CPO is confirmed
What happens after the public inquiry?
Public Inquiry
Who makes the CPO decision ?
Publicising the CPO
What are the steps to making a CPO?
What are the statutory powers to make a compulsory purchase order?
Why is the Council planning to apply for a CPO in respect of the Garden Village project
What is a compulsory purchase order
What is the CPO Schedule?
Will my information be made public?
Who might have ‘a legal interest’ in property or land?
What are the next steps with the planning application?
How will you prevent the River Kenwyn and the SSSI being contaminated by heavy metals produced by the past mining activity in the area?
What is 'rain garden' planting?
What species of trees will be planted on the site?
What about allotments?
How will you ensure that species such as woodlarks are protected during and after construction of the Garden Village?
When will the new primary schools be provided?
What are the plans to provide play areas for children?
How will the infrastructure be managed in the future? How will the maintenance be financed?
How will the foul drainage be managed?
Are you confident that the SuDS system will work satisfactorily?
Will all the power cables be sited underground?
How does Langarth fit with the Council's commitment to tackle climate change?i
How will Governs Farm be protected as open space?
Why do the plans include four storey buildings adjacent to the A390?
What is the housing density on the scheme?
As the Council leading this scheme why are only 35% of the houses being designated as affordable for local residents and not 100%?
How will the development affect the Quiet Lanes?
What provision is being made for horses?
Why can't you provide a bridge or lower the road to enable people to cross between Langarth and Threemilestone rather than the proposed super crossing?
How will pedestrians and cyclists cross the NAR?
How will parking provision work on the site?
What are the plans for the cycleway and footway on the NAR?
How will you prevent the scheme from increasing traffic congestion?
Do the proposed plans for the A390 include lots of new roundabouts, crossings and traffic controls?
How will vehicles access the NAR?
What provision has been made for emergency vehicles to access the site?
Why has the site boundary been changed to encompass the whole of the adjoining A390 ?
How will you prevent Langarth's long and narrow site, which is at least three miles from the train station, from deterring people from walking and cycling?
How will you ensure that the scheme does not further damage air quality in the surrounding communities?
How much of the site will be subject to 'cut and fill' ?
How will you ensure that the Garden Village will not have an adverse impact on Truro ?
The size of Langarth means it will be a small town rather than a village. How does it mean the criteria for a Garden Village?
Why hasn't the Council delayed the applications until its Climate Emergency Plan and the amended Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Development Plan are in place?
How will you ensure that the different phases of the scheme become 'villages' and are peaceful places to live, rather than a series of ongoing construction sites?
How long will it take to build the whole development?
Some of the land at Langarth has the highest quality Grade 1 and Grade 2 designations. Why has the Council allowed the development to take place on this high quality agricultural land?
What are the next steps with the planning application?
The previous planning applications were granted 10 years ago. Why haven't they expired as no work was carried out by the developers?
Why were planning permissions granted to private developers on land at Langarth in 2011 as they were against planning policies at the time?
Meet Apprentice Project Manager Sarah Treliving
Who is involved in the Langarth Garden Village project?
Planning Application Downloads
What about the planning application for the Northern Access Road ?
What happens next ?
What are section 106 agreements ?
What is outline planning permission?
Where can I view the planning application ?
When will the planning application for Langarth Garden Village be submitted?
Downloads & Documents
How will you ensure the scheme delivers sustainable transport?
What about traffic congestion?
How will people be able to cross the A390 safely?
Will the existing priorities/timings of traffic lights at Threemilestone be changed?
How will traffic on the quiet lanes be managed to reduce rat-running?
What is the Interim Link Road?
What happens next?
What is the current position with the Stadium for Cornwall?
Why is the Neighbourhood Plan being updated?
What about the impact on schools?
What about the impact on health facilities?
Will Langarth Garden Village create jobs?
What is the size of the development?
What will the parking provision be on the site?
How will you support cyclists and pedestrians?
How will drainage be managed?
How are you protecting the environment?
What kind of community facilities will be included in the development?
What is a garden village?
Why has the Council become involved in this development?
What is a masterplan?
I would like to buy a home how do I do that?
What is the Community Sports Hub ?
Can both TMS and Langarth each have a linked facility where health and community facilities are co-located and the emphasis is on wellbeing and prevention?
What safeguards will there be to prevent developers providing parking on areas which could provide important communal facilities?
What cycle facilities will there be?
What is an Environmental Impact Assessment?
How are you involving existing residents and communities?
How will the Langarth masterplan shape the final scheme?
What is the amount of live/ work?
Have all the garden city principles been met through the Masterplan?
What are the benefits from the Council’s involvement in the scheme?
How will you manage the steep topography of the site?
How will air pollution adjacent to A390 be managed for both existing and future residents to avoid respiratory issues?
Will cyclists receive priority at key junctions along the NAR?
What is the Langarth Stakeholder Panel?
What does the Cornwall Local Plan say about housing?
What will set Langarth apart regarding green ethics?
How will public transport and open spaces network help combat inactivity and obesity, especially for young people?
What is happening with sewage from the new development?
The site is close to several historic features, such as Penventinnie Round. How will these be protected?
What will replace the Stakeholder Panel to allow community voices to be heard over the years ahead?
How will you retain the rural feel of the site and not create a high density built environment?
How much student, key worker and homes for the elderly will be included in the development?
What is the amount of self build / bespoke build housing in the development?
Does the Council own the land at Langarth?
How can Langarth actively help provide a great place to live, train and work for health and care workers to help with retention of students?
What about buses?
Cornwall has declared a Climate Emergency. How will Langarth Garden Village reflect this?
What will the governance structure of the new development look like?
What will happen to existing land after planning permission is given but prior to development?
How much affordable housing will there be?
How will the Helipad at RCHT affect the proposals?
How will the community assets be managed?
How are you going to treat the land between Langarth and Treliske?
What kind of homes will you build?
When will work on the Community Sports Hub begin?
How will you make sure that existing communities such as Threemilestone and Highertown are not left behind?
What will happen on the land to the east of the Langarth fishing lakes and bordering the River Kenwyn which is very marshy, and would be very difficult to build on?
Why has the figure for the number of new houses changed from 4,000?
How long will the Community Sports Hub take to build?
What is happening to deliver the community investment projects at Threemilestone and Highertown?
Why can’t the Langarth area be left as a green field site?
What about the impact on the city centre?
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