Biodiversity at Langarth
We want to create a well-connected sustainable community that is adaptable, resilient and fit for future living. A community that sits within a biodiverse and hard-working landscape.

Zero carbon
Langarth will provide high-quality homes which will meet the Future Homes Standard, with a target of achieving net-zero carbon within 10 years.
All homes will make use of locally generated renewable energy, with solar panels and higher levels of insulation helping to reduce running costs. Electric vehicle charging points will be provided at every house. We are also investigating the possibility of providing solar panels on carports on the proposed park and ride extension, as well as on other buildings and offices across the site.

Forest for Cornwall
We are planting over 5 hectares of new woodland as part of Cornwall Council’s plans to create a Forest for Cornwall, and other trees throughout the site to fight climate change and help Cornwall strive towards becoming carbon neutral. When complete the Forest for Cornwall aims to provide around 8,000 hectares of new trees and hedges across Cornwall, capturing 38,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. You can read more about the Forest for Cornwall on the Cornwall Council website

Electric vehicles
As a garden village, sustainability is important. We will be providing electric charging points in every home to encourage the use of electric vehicles.

We will be using sustainable energy sources which includes solar power, ground source heat pumps and wind farms to reduce the demand on fossil fuels. We will also be installing higher levels of insulation. Together, these measures will help provide low running costs, delivering cheaper and more sustainable energy for residents.
We are also proposing to build a new energy centre at Langarth, which will include an electricity substation on the site, as well as a bespoke area for battery storage. Combined with the creation of an Energy Supply Company (ESCO), this will deliver low cost green power for residents and generate an income from the sale of surplus power back to the grid.

We are developing an enhanced surface water drainage system, consisting of new ponds, wetlands and swales. This will use the natural characteristics of the environment to slow, store and clean water. These surface water drainage features will help increase biodiversity and protect and enhance species.