Getting ready for the diggers
We’re counting down to a major milestone in our plans to deliver Langarth Garden Village – with work on the construction of an interim link road due to begin on site this month.
This will be the first time people will actually see construction work on the site and is a really exciting moment in our project.

Northern Access Road (NAR)
Last month saw the official signing of the £47.45m funding contract for the design and construction of the new Northern Access Road (NAR) by Homes England and Cornwall Council. This means that all the funding for this new major transport link into Truro is coming from the Government.
An application for planning permission for the NAR is due to be submitted to Cornwall Council as part of a hybrid planning application, which includes outline planning permission for the wider Langarth scheme, in the Autumn.

The interim link road
The first section of the road, the interim link road, secured planning permission in March 2020. With funding now available, construction on this section will begin within the next few weeks. Once completed in Spring 2021, this will provide access for the main road construction.
A major new transport link in Truro, the NAR will connect all the developments on the Langarth site and provide a route from the Garden village to the Royal Cornwall Hospital at Treliske avoiding the A390.
People over cars
As part of our strategy to prioritise people over cars at Langarth and encourage new residents to choose alternatives to the car when travelling, the boulevard style road is being designed to be pedestrian friendly, with a 20mph speed limit and new footways and segregated cycleways along its entire 4km length.
Public transport
We will also be providing improved bus services linking to Treliske hospital and Truro, with bus stops in each local centre, and developing plans to offer cheaper fares. Cycle parking, e-bike charging and seating areas at bus stops will encourage their use as community meeting areas.
If planning permission for the NAR is granted, construction work is expected to begin in September 2021 and be completed by Spring 2024.
Providing good connectivity is vital to the success of new communities as well as for the businesses and the people who work there.
The signing of the contract and the start of construction on the interim link road means we can take the next steps to providing these good connections by starting to deliver the Northern Access Road.