Creating a vision for a brand new community and then developing a masterplan to deliver that vision is certainly not something which should be done in isolation.

From carrying out surveys to identify the habitats and habits of the wildlife on the site and developing plans which protect and enhance biodiversity, to creating a transport strategy which prioritises people over cars and provides new green corridors, cycle paths and pedestrian links, and assessing the need for new schools and health facilities, we have been working with a wide range of partners to develop plans for Langarth Garden Village.

Many of these have been local companies who have brought their knowledge and expertise to the project to support the work being carried out by Cornwall Council officers and national and international firms such as Arcadis and AHR. Working with Cornish based companies has also helped generate income for the local economy.

It has been great working with such a fantastic team to develop the Langarth project.
You can view a short film about the partnership working which has been taking place here :